Saturday, June 20, 2009

PC Computer

Cheat Codes
While playing the game, press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: In Windows Vista you may need to press [Ctrl] + [Windows] + [Shift] + C to display the console window.

Testing cheats
Enable the "testingCheatsenabled true" code, then type one of the following codes at the console window to activate the corresponding cheat function:

After enabling the "testingCheatsenabled true" code, you can also hold [Shift] and click on the following objects to access new options:


"Make All Happy"
"Make Friends For Me"
"Make Needs Static" or "Make Needs Dynamic"
"Make Me Know Everyone"
"Force Visitor"
Various "Force NPC" options
Various "Set Career" options
Work place

"Force Opportunity"
"Force Event"
"Force All Events"

Any Sim

"Trigger Age Transition"
"Modify Traits"
Active Sim

"Modify Traits for Active Sim"
Non-household Sim

"Add to Household"

Watching your own videos on the TV
Use the following trick to watch your own videos on the Sim television. Place the video you want into the "/My Documents/EA Games/The Sims 3/Movies/Broadcast/[television station]" folder. Turn on the television in the game, and you can watch it. The video must be in .AVI format, with a resolution no larger than 128x128 pixels, and frame rate not greater than 15 frames per second.

Listening to your own music on the radio
Place the desired .MP3 files in the "/My Documents/EA Games/The Sims 3/Music/[radio station]" folder. Start the game, go to "Options" menu, select "Music Settings", then choose radio station. Select which songs you want the radio to play.

Easy money
Start writing novels on your computer. Write fiction novels as they take the least amount of time. They will not bring you too much Simoleons. When you write, your skill will automatically advance. If your skill is high enough, you will be able to write more novel types/genres. The most money can be made from "Romance Novels". You will get royalties for six weeks once you finish a book. With the "Writing" skill maxed out, you can make approximately 40,000 Simoleons every week, which is more than the 34,800 Simoleons you can get by purchasing all neighborhood businesses, and takes less time to achieve. In three game weeks you should have a very high speed writing, 9 or 10 novels as best sellers, and 100,000 Simoleons.

Saving money
No matter how many times you use an object, if you sell it the same day you got it you can get all your money back. If your Sim is poor and needs body points or something else, buy a body machine and keep selling it back to get a refund of all your money.

Easy Cooking, Fishing, and Gardening skills
This trick requires a TV with a Cooking, Fishing, or Gardening channel and a video game system. Have a Sim sit down and watch television. Switch the TV over to one of the previously mentioned channels so that the Sim can start earning his or her skill point. Then, have a second Sim go over and start playing video games. Notice that although the TV is displaying video games, the first Sim still has the skill meter above their head. Allow this Sim to sit there for as long as they please until they decide to do another activity of their own. After that, the skill meter should stay above their head until you start another Cooking, Fishing, or Gardening skill activity. As an added bonus, you can train two skill points at once. For example, work out and both the Athletic and Cooking skills will continue to rise.

Free bookcase skills
Buy a bookcase, then have your Sim begin to study. Interrupt the action so that the book is placed on the ground. Sell the bookcase. The book can now do everything the bookcase could have done for free.

Making friends
Buy a guitar. Play it to learn how to play guitar. Keep playing until you reach 5/10 level, which gives you the ability to "Play For Tips". When you have that ability, go to the park with the guitar in your inventory. When you are in the park, click the guitar in your inventory, and select "Play For Tips". People watching you will become your friends if you keep playing. The higher your guitar skill, the faster they will become friends with you.

Disable aging
Instead of using a cheat code to toggle "aging on" and "aging off" like in The Sims 2, you can de-activate the age in "Game Options" under "Options". When you uncheck the box next to "Aging", your Sims will no longer become older. You can also slow aging down in this menu by setting the "Lifetime" bar. It can be set from 25 days to 960 days.

Avoiding death
Go to Pleasant Rest Graveyard. Near the gate is a bush called "Death Flower Bush". Harvest the flower from it, and keep it in your Sim's inventory. If you die, that Sim will give the flower to the Grim Reaper and be resurrected. Although the flower will not reappear there again, if your Sim has Level 7 Gardening, they can plant the "Unknown Special Seeds" found in the graveyard and some other places that have a chance to grow as a Death Flower. Note: Having the Green Thumb trait to revive the plant may help.

New clothes
To get new clothes, you first have to buy a dresser from "Buy Options". Once there, click "Plan Outfit". You can put a total of three different clothes for each type (formal, every day, athletic, etc.).

Strange faces
There is a glitch in Create-A-Sim mode that allows to you to make very strange faces. Go to the face designing area. Select a face part such as the eyes, and max out all the sliders one way or the other. Then, go to a different face part, and select one of the predesigned parts. Return to the eyes. The sliders will have reset to the middle, but the eyes will still look the same. This works for all of the face adjusting tabs. You can then continue to max out the size of the eyes and repeat. You can make eyes the size of dinner plates, very long cheekbones, huge noses, and more.

Hording pizza
Have a Sim call for pizza. When the pizza delivery man arrives, do not accept the pizza. The delivery man will eventually leave the pizza on the front porch, and it will never get stale. You can stack as many pizzas there as you want. If your Sims get hungry, just tell them to get a pizza from the front porch.

EA game references
When you have the video game system and your Sims play it, zoom in on the TV to see that the games they are playing are various Electronic Arts titles.

Cheat mode
While playing the game, press Up to display Niko's cell phone. Press Up again to access the keypad. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Once a code has been entered correctly, a new "Cheats" menu option will be available on your phone, below "Options", where you can access the cheats without having to enter the phone number again. Note: Do not save the game after enabling a code to avoid unforeseen problems. Enabling some cheats will prevent the indicated achievement(s) from being earned. You can usually only spawn one vehicle at a time. Any previously spawned vehicles will disappear. However, if you spawn a vehicle, save the game, and load again, you can spawn another one and your original will not disappear. You must have it in your parking space in front of a safehouse or it will be gone before you have a chance to spawn another.

Full health and armor
Dial "3625550100" on the cell phone. If you enter this code while in a vehicle, it will also repair it. Note: This phone number translates to "DOC-555-0100". This code prevents the "Cleaned The Mean Streets", "Finish Him", "One Man Army", and "Walk Free" achievements from being earned.

Full health, armor, and ammunition
Dial "4825550100" on the cell phone. If you enter this code while in a vehicle, it will also repair it. Note: This phone number translates to "GTA-555-0100". This code prevents the "Cleaned The Mean Streets" achievement from being earned.

Weapons tier 1
Dial "4865550100" on the cell phone. This will unlock the baseball bat, handgun, shotgun, MP5, M4, sniper rifle, RPG, and grenades. Note: This phone number translates to "GUN-555-0150". This code prevents the "Cleaned The Mean Streets" achievement from being earned.

Weapons tier 2
Dial "4865550150" on the cell phone. This will unlock the knife, Molotov cocktails, handgun, shotgun, Uzi, AK47, sniper rifle, and RPG. Note: This phone number translates to "GUN-555-0100". This code prevents the "Cleaned The Mean Streets" achievement from being earned.

Remove Niko's wanted level
Dial "2675550100" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "COP-555-0100". This code prevents the "One Man Army" and "Walk Free" achievements from being earned.

Add one star to Niko's wanted level
Dial "2675550150" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "COP-555-0150".

Spawn Annihilator police helicopter
Dial "3595550100" on the cell phone. The Annihilator is armed with rockets. Note: This phone number translates to "FLY-555-0100". This code prevents the "One Man Army" and "Walk Free" achievements from being earned.

Spawn Cognoscenti
Dial "2275550142" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0142".

Spawn Comet
Dial "2275550175" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0175".

Spawn FBI Buffalo
Dial "2275550100" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0100".

Spawn Jetmax
Dial "9385550100" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "WET-555-0100".

Spawn NRG-900
Dial "6255550100" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "MBK-555-0100".

Spawn Sanchez
Dial "6255550150" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "MBK-555-0150".

Spawn SuperGT
Dial "2275550168" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0168".

Spawn Turismo
Dial "2275550147" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0147".

Change weather and brightness
Dial "4685550100" on the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "HOT-555-0100".

Secret map locations
Go to a TW@ Internet Cafe, log into a computer, and enter "" as a URL to view maps that reveal all weapon, health, armor, vehicle, pigeon, ramp/stunt, and entertainment locations.

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding bonus:

Annihilator police helicopter: Collect all 200 pigeons (flying rats).

No ammo limit: Get a 100% completion.

Rastah Color Huntley SUV: Successfully complete 10 Package Delivery missions.

Special friendship bonuses
Reach the indicated level of friendship with the corresponding character to unlock their special friendship ability:

Alex (screen name "LiberatedWoman")

Method: Look for the personal ad from "LiberatedWoman" in the "Women seeking men" section of the "" website. Alex is somewhat of a self-centered, spoiled rotten rich girl. She will compliment Niko for wearing expensive clothing and driving expensive cars. She will also write about her exploits with Niko in her blog at "". Reach 80% friendship with her.

Special ability: 50% off at all clothing stores.


Method: Take him bowling, drinking, eating, strip clubs, shows, helicopter tours, and boating to reach 70% friendship.

Special ability (Chopper Ride): Call Brucie, and he will fly his helicopter to you. This allows you to fast travel to various portions of the city.

Carmen (screen name "SoboHoe")

Special ability (Health Boost): Restores Niko's health over the phone. She will call Niko every chance she gets.


Method: Take him to strip clubs, eating, drinking, shows, and bowling to reach 60% friendship.

Special ability (Extra Help): Call Dwayne to have a car full of gang members follow you.

Kiki (screen name "LawChick")

Method: Date LawChick via "" through the in-game internet. Take her out a few times to reach 75% friendship. When dropping her off, select the "Try your luck" option. Afterwards, she will call you and say she can clear the feds.

Special ability (Remove Up to 3 Wanted Stars): Call her on your cell phone, and select "Clear wanted levels".

Little Jacob

Method: Take him to darts, shows, pool, drinking, eating, and strip clubs to reach 60% friendship.

Special ability (Discount Guns): Call Little Jacob, and he will drive out a car full of guns for you to buy.


Method: Take him to strip clubs, shows, darts, drinking, bowling, pool to reach 75% friendship.

Special ability (Boom?): Call Packie, and he will make a car bomb for you.


Method: Take him to bowling, darts, drinking, eating, pool, shows, and the strip club to reach 60% friendship.

Special ability (Free Ride): Call Roman, and he will send a free cab.


Method: Successfully complete all 30 of his vehicle thefts.

Special ability: The South Bohan garage will now offer money for any vehicle you deliver. The better the condition, the more money you will earn.

Getting 100% completion
The following is a list of how to get a 100% completion:

Successfully complete all 90 story and procedural missions to get 68% complete.

Successfully complete all 30 vehicle thefts to get an additional 2%.

Successfully complete all 50 stunt jumps to get an additional 2.5%.

Collect all 200 pigeons (flying rats) to get an additional 2.5%.

Find all random characters and complete their missions to get an additional 5%.

Successfully complete all 20 vigilante crimes to get an additional 2.5%.

Kill all 30 people on the list to get an additional 2.5%.

Beat friends or computers at every activity to get an additional 5%.

Get all your friend's special abilities and do all their activities to get an additional 10%. Note: This does not include Dwayne or Roman.

Easy health
Dial "911" on your cell phone. You will reach a voice menu. Dial "2" for an ambulance. When the ambulance arrives, the paramedic will restore your health for approximately $1,000. After he refills your health, kill him to get your money back. -From: Mike

Easy money
Go to an ATM, then cause a traffic jam to the area. Wait for someone to take money from the ATM, then kill him or her. Make sure to block any nearby roads so the ambulance cannot get to the murdered victim. Take the money they dropped on the ground. Then, run a short distance away, and go back. The money should have respawned on the ground. You can repeat this as many times as desired. You can also kill more people taking their money from the ATM to increase the amount of money that respawns. -From: Khairol161

Find an area with a lot of people. Then, position yourself a decent distance away, and enable the "Spawn Jetmax" code. The boat should spawn above the people, fall on them, and kill them without raising your wanted level. You can then pick up the money dropped by the people killed. Repeat this process as many times as desired. -From: Vernon Reis

After completing all of Stevie's 30 vehicle thefts, go to the garage in south Bohan. Then, enter one of the "Spawn" vehicle codes, and take the vehicle to the garage to get the indicated amount of money as long as the vehicle is in perfect condition. Repeat this as many times as desired. -From: Elan Gedalia

Cognoscenti: $9,000
Comet: $6,000
NRG-900: $2,500
Sanchez: $1,200
SuperGT: $11,000
Turismo: $11,000

After completing all of Stevie's 30 vehicle thefts, take a taxi to the Perseus on Pyrite Street and Bismarck Avenue. Walk to the Grotti car dealership with a baseball bat. Use your baseball bat to break open the window on the east side of the building near the tree that has a Turismo parked behind it. Try not to damage this car. Take the Turismo, and drive it to Stevie's car shop. Taking the Charge Island bridge to Bohan is the best route. Stevie will give you approximately $10,000 for the car, depending on its condition. You can then take a taxi back to the dealership and do it again.

Steal an armored truck, and blow it up to get approximately $1,100 from the piles of money surrounding the wreckage.

There is a glitch in Aldeney at the intersection of Tudor and Port Tudor, close to the prison where you visit Gerald. You can find a total of nine armored trucks arriving back-to-back. Highjack one, then block the road. Another one will appear. Blow them up one-by-one. There is a total of approximately $1,100 on each truck, which is especially useful when just starting out or if you need money.

Steal a Securicar, and blow it up to get approximately $1,000 from the piles surrounding the wreckage. To do this without getting a wanted level, you must drive it and get it damaged until it catches fire and explodes. Do not attack it with a weapon or you will get a two star wanted level. If the smoking Securicar stops running and still is not on fire, use your cell phone to call anyone, then hang up while it is dialing. The Securicar will start again, allowing you to do the last amount of damage to get it to catch on fire and explode.

Go to a strip club, and kill the strippers. Each one drops about five or six wads of cash, but all the guards will attack you.

Easily lower wanted level
If you want to get rid of your wanted level, simply start a mission. Your wanted level will instantly go away. If there were any police cars chasing you, the police will be gone but the cars will still be there. -From: D2

To lose your wanted level, simply enter a safehouse, and save your progress. When you wake up, your wanted level will be gone.

Repairing engine
If your vehicle breaks down and will not start, call any number saved in your cell phone or "911", and your engine should start again.

Quick repair
While in a vehicle, if you drive over a health pack, your health will be restored and any damage to your car will fully repaired. This is very useful while playing online in a vehicle that has caught fire.

Parking more vehicles
Outside your first hideout is a small parking area to park your vehicles and save them. Instead of parking your vehicles fully within the lines, you can park your vehicles partially within the lines to allow for more vehicles to be parked and saved. -From: Zane

At the start of the game it would appear that you can only save two vehicles parked in the "Residents Parking Only" parking spaces in front of your safe house. However, if you can find other "Residents Parking Only" places around the city, you can also save vehicles there even if you do not have a safe house at those locations yet.

If you attempt to use the trick to keep more than two vehicles in any one parking space, it will only work until you leave the current game session. If you shut off your system, play a multiplayer game, or load your most recent save, all but two of your vehicles will have disappeared. It seems to either save the two vehicles closest to the center of the parking space or two at random.

Fast travel
To avoid wasting time driving all the way across the city, call a taxi. They will take you to your destination for your mission, stores, safe houses, or even a waypoint marker. You can skip through the taxi ride, allowing you to travel across the entire city in about ten seconds. This can also be done during missions.

Easy Assassin's missions
Most of the Assassin's missions can be completed easier by using a helicopter. Land on a high position overlooking your target, and use the sniper rifle to kill them.

Easy headshots
It is sometimes difficult to get headshots, which do count. With some practice, doing the following is an easy way to get headshots. Press [Auto-Aim], then use the Right Analog-stick to move the auto-aim target around your victim's body. Barely move the Right Analog-stick as you are shooting. This puts bullets in the chest and head, and results in an easy instant kill.

Easy drive-by shootings
When you can, call Roman, and have him send a taxi to you. Let the taxi drive you around. You will be able to shoot at people without the driver stopping. He will also run past the cops and blockades as much as possible. When you get stuck, choose to end your ride at a destination without a wanted level.

Easy emergency vehicles
Dial "911" on your cell phone. You will reach a voice menu that allows you to call the police by dialing "1", an ambulance by dialing "2", or a fire truck by dialing "3". Select the vehicle of your choice, and wait for them to arrive. They will stop and look around for the emergency, allowing you to easily steal their vehicle.

Getting away from police
When running away from the cops, you will have a circular area in which they look for you. However, if you get out and another cop sees you, it changes. To use this to your advantage, barely get out of that circle, which you will see on your radar. Then, just sit there for about five seconds instead of flooring past it.

If you are at a four star wanted level or less, find a place with grass or sand. The cops will follow you in, but they usually cannot get back out. You can then just drive away.

No wanted level when arrested
When you are being arrested by a cop, instead of pressing A (with Xbox 360 controller) immediately, click Right Analog-stick (with Xbox 360 controller) to crouch. You will still be able to walk away, but you will not get a two star wanted level.

Calling for backup
Steal a police car, and any time you are in trouble, press LB (with Xbox 360 controller) while your car is stationary. Select "Call For Backup", and within minutes you will have two cruisers full of police who will fight on your side unless you shoot someone. Note: They will turn on you when they realize you are not a cop.

Killing blind firing enemies
To take out an enemy that is blind firing, aim for his shooting arm or hand while it is exposed. Once you wound him, he will usually stumble out of cover, giving you an easier kill.

Killing pedestrians without fighting
You can kill most pedestrians by repeatedly running into them against walls. This is a good way to get easy money without alerting the police.

Regaining health during missions
You can leave the mission area and go to a Cluckin' Bell, hotdog stand, etc. and eat food to replenish your health if you are low and cannot find a health pack. This is especially useful on missions where there are no health packs in sight. Note: You can also take a taxi to those locations during missions.

Avoiding toll booths
Drive through any toll booth with any emergency vehicle with the sirens on. The booth attendant will open the gate, and you will save $5.

Drive a normal car up to the toll booth. As you get close, slow down and jump out while making sure the car passes through the booth. Then, walk past the booth, and get in your car. -From: Mike

While in a vehicle or on a motorcycle, drive up to the toll booth. Stay on the far side of the booth. Niko will stick his arm out but not put money in the basket, and the gate will still open.

Drive a motorbike to the side of the pay toll wall. You will not pay a toll if you can drive through the small gap on the sides.

Free taxi rides
Get in a taxi, but do not skip the ride after choosing your destination. When you are approximately two blocks away from your destination, break the window, and start shooting. The cab driver will get out and run away, allowing you not to have to pay for the ride. You can also kill the cab driver and take his money, so he is actually paying you for the taxi ride. -From: DemonUrameshi Naruto

Free internet access
Some of your safehouses have a computer in them that will not charge the $1 fee. The Algonquin safehouse has a laptop in it, and is somewhat far away from some of the internet cafes.

Free health boost
Enter an ambulance to get a small health increase.

Free shotgun shells
Enter a police cruiser to get five shotgun shells.

Carbine rifle
Use a helicopter, boat, or simply swim to reach Happiness Island. Go inside the first door of the Statue Of Happiness. There will be a security guard with a carbine rifle. Kill him to get the Carbine rifle.

Getting Desert Eagle early
To get the Desert Eagle before you can buy it, kill the gun salesman in Broker that has it equipped, and then take it from him. Note: Doing this will prevent you from making any future purchases at this location. This will also cause bodyguards with shotguns to chase after you.

M-4 assault rifle
Go to the Easton area in Algonquin. At the Grand Easton Terminal, go up the stairs in front. Keep going around that floor until you see a small pond. Move past it until you see a turn going left. Go to the left to get in between a tall building and a smaller one. At the end of the passageway is a dead end. Turn and you will see a glowing orange garbage can. Behind it is an M-4 assault rifle.

Getting pistol and shotgun early
The following is an easy way to start the game with full pistol and shotgun ammo. Unlock the ability to save by sleeping on the bed in Roman's home. Getting the knife is also helpful. Go outside Roman's home, and kill a few people. The police will appear. Kill a police officer. He will drop his gun. Take it, then immediately run into Roman's home, and sleep on the bed. You can choose to save the game if desired. When you wake up, your wanted level will be down, and you will still have the pistol. Go back outside, and kill more pedestrians. When the cops appear, run up the stairs. Turn around at the top of the stairs, and face the door going outside of Roman's home. The cops will come through that door, and you can simply pick them off with your new pistol. Watch your health, and do not worry about picking up the guns. If your health gets low, you can sleep on the bed. Wake up, and when you go outside there will be lots of weapons. The shotgun will take longer because not every cop uses it. However, if you enter the police cars that have been abandoned outside the apartments, you can easily get five shells for the shotgun for each car you enter.

Getting Remington shotgun early
You can get the good shotgun early in the game by simply going to the strip club. On the way out, there is a manager's office that you can enter. There is a large Remington shotgun on the floor you can take.

Claude outfit
Kill Playboy X and get his penthouse. Then, save the game, and restart it. When you reload your saved game, look through your outfits, and you should have Claude's outfit (the main character in Grand Theft Auto 3). Everything from the leather jacket, the green cargos, and the black shoes with the white stripe on the bottom should be there.

Hidden shirt
There is a secret Happiness Island shirt laying at the highest point on the statue's base that can be reached by foot. It looks like a glowing red rectangle. Once it is picked up, Niko will automatically put it on. It is a navy blue sweatshirt. The front shows the statue and reads "Happiness is..." and is continued on the back with the word "".

Niko in a bra
To wear a bra, go to the clothes store called Modo, and walk up to the cashier. It must be a female cashier for this trick to work. Knife the cashier, and stand over her body for one game hour. Travel back to Roman's apartment, and go to the wardrobe. You should now have an option to wear a bra. Wearing the bra will change NPC dialogue, and they will start saying things to you like "What the hell are you wearing man?!"

Ski mask
To unlock the ski mask so you can wear it anytime, successfully complete the "Three Leaf Clover" mission. It then becomes selectable as a hat in your wardrobe.

Use the following method(s) to obtain the corresponding vehicle:

Search in Meadows Park, Dukes.

Air Tug
Search at Francis International Airport.

Found parked outside hospitals.

Search Galveston Ave. near Middle Park.

To get a unique gray Banshee with a black stripe, play the "Meltdown" mission. Niko automatically carjacks this vehicle after the intermission sequence at the first destination. Drive it to a parking spot to save it when you are supposed to meet Ray at the bridge. You will not fail the mission; just make sure to reach that point with it intact.

Search the top of the Francis International Airport's parking lot.

Search near banks.

Search near the Industrial District.

Search Star Junction or at the bus station near the Helitours site.

Search the street Westdyke Memorial Hospital is on.

To get a unique Cavalcade with black wheels, play the "Deconstruction For Beginners" mission. This is the vehicle that Playboy X has the weapons stocked in. After getting in and retrieving the weapons, drive it to a parking spot to save it, then continue with the mission.

Search between the Burger Shot and the Swingers Golf Club.

To get a unique yellow Comet, play the "No. 1" mission. This car is used in the street race. It is the same car as the DP Comet. Simply drive it to a parking spot to save it after the mission.

Search near the Twichin's Sugar Factory.

Found outside the church.

Search near the amusement park's parking lot.

Search near the Canyon Magaplex in Willis, Dukes.

Several can be found around the coast of Acter Industrial Park.

Get a four to six star wanted level and it will find you.

Search by the Dragon Heart Plaza on Diman Street in Chinatown.

Search near industrial areas.

Use the following trick to get a maroon Flatbed. In the "Rigged to Blow" mission (the truck with the bomb), park it at your safehouse parking spot, and shoot at it until it explodes. Quickly save the game, then reload. The truck should be waiting for you, shiny and new, even though it was dirty in the mission.

Fork Lift
It can occassionally be found on the street to the left of the bridge under construction (island in top right).

One is parked in front of the Willis Wash and Lube.

Helitours Maverick
Found at the Helitours company in Fishmarket South.

Search in Steinway, Dukes.

To get a unique cherry red Hellfury, play the mission "Ruff Rider" mission. Shoot Jayvon when he is driving the cherry red Hellfury. Then, drive it to a parking spot to save it after the mission.

Huntley Sport
Search near the LCPD station in Northern Gardens.

Search in Outlook Park by the Pizza Salad restaurant.

Search near the Liberty City Transport Authority in Rotterdam Hill in Broker.

Laundromat Van
In the "Hung Out To Dry" mission, instead of going to the front of the Laundromat, go around to the back first. The Laundromat Van will be sitting there. Break in, and steal it. Note: This will cause the mission to fail, but it is the only way to obtain this vehicle.

Search the East Island City neighborhood in Dukes.

Search near the Burger Shot on Huntington Street.

Use the following trick to get a unique light blue Marbelle. In the "Uncle Vlad" mission, Vlad drives this car during the chase. After completing the mission, take it back to your parking spot to save it. Be careful as it starts out heavily damaged.

Search in the top area of the residential district on the third main island.

To get a unique silver Merit, after completing the "First Date" mission, take it back to your parking spot to save it.

Search Charge Island near the water treatment plant.

Mr. Tasty
The ice cream truck can be found strolling around Broker and Dukes. When you steal an ice cream truck, turn the music on. It will change speed depending on how fast you are driving. If you reverse, so will the music. To cycle through the song played while driving, click the Left Analog-stick to start and stop it. The songs that are cycled through are "Dance Of The Sugar Plum Fairies", "Greensleeves", "Scarborough Fair", "Flight Of The Bumble Bee", and "Flight Of The Valkyrie".

NRG 900
Search the corner of Bismark Ave and Topaz in Lancaster.

Search by the Castle Gardens.

A NOOSE Patriot can be found in the "Tunnel Of Death" mission. It is part of the convoy. You can take it, but this will cause the mission to fail.

To get a unique yellow Patriot, play the "Blow Your Cover" mission. This vehicle is provided for you and is parked outside as soon as the mission begins. Simply drive it to a parking spot to save it, then proceed with the mission as desired.

PCJ 600
To get a unique red PCJ 600 with gold rims, play the "I Need Your Clothes, Your Boots, and Your Motorcycle" mission. Gerry provides this bike for you at the start of the mission. Simply drive it to a parking spot to save it after completing the mission.

This is an eighteen wheeler cab and can be found outside the first floor of the GL&S lawyers office building.

PMP 600
Search the alley by the Exchange District Bank in Algonquin.

Police Cruiser
A unique NOOSE Police Cruiser will appear randomly when your wanted level is at least four stars. This car has a different paint job than normal police cruisers, and the row of siren lights are a flat, small row, as opposed to the more prominent V-shaped row on normal cars. It can be found in the "Three Leaf Clover" mission.

Police Maverick
Found on top of the police station in Algonquin.

Search at Castle Gardens.

Search by the docks in Port Tudor.

Search Fanny Crab's near Grand Easton Station.

Several can be found around the coast of Acter Industrial Park.

Search at Francis International Airport.

Roman's Taxi
This vehicle is unlocked when Roman's Respect stat reaches 100%.

Search East Hook in Broker.

Go to the Boabo neighborhood, and look at the map. Look directly north of Brucie's location, and find the roads that form the letter "P". Park near the "RON" gas station to find the Securicars that spawn regularly in that area.

Search near the docks in Normandy.

Use the following trick to get a unique black Stallion. In the "Escuela Of The Streets" mission, the dealers drive this vehicle during the scene after they arrive at the warehouse, when they get in and drive off. This car disappears after finishing the mission; you must fail the mission to keep the vehicle.

Search the driveway of a green house in Berchem.

Sultan RS
This car can only be found sitting in the northeastern-most part of the final island. It is stashed in some bushes behind the small shack up a dirt road.

Super GT
Search on Calcium Street in front of the 69.

Several can be found in the depot under the west end of Broker Bridge, east of the fire station.

It can be found moored along the north coast of Acter Industrial Park.

Tug boat
Get in a boat, and search along the water between Alderny and Industrial Island to find a tug boat parked in front of two barges. Get near it, then jump on it, and press [Enter Vehicle] to steal it.

You can find a Turismo parked outside a home in Owl Creek Avenue in Westdyke, or next to Faustin's house on Shinnecock Ave. in Beachgate, Broker.

Search in Schottler.

Search in East Island City.

Search by the pool in Steinway, Dukes.

Zombie motorcycle
They can be found driving around by the Pay 'n' Spray near Port Tudor in Alderney.

Use the following trick to get unique black and red Zombie. During the "No Love Lost" mission, these are the bikes used by the gang. Take one from a fallen gang member after or during the mission.

Easy Stevie vehicle theft missions
Set a way point to one of the locations described in the "Stevie vehicle theft locations", then have a taxi drive you to the location. You will then only have to spend time driving to the garage in south Bohan.

Stevie vehicle theft locations
The following is a list of all 30 vehicle theft locations for Stevie's missions. Once you get a vehicle, take it to south Bohan, a bit east of the safe house there. The entrance is on the east side of it, where it says "S&M Auto Sales". To get the listed reward, you must bring the vehicle in perfect condition. Note: If you have to break the window to steal a vehicle, it does not devalue the vehicle reward. The vehicle reward only goes down when you bump into things.


Reward: $26,400

Location: Algonquin, Middle Park West. Parked west of a building that says Mammon Heights, facing north. On the other side of the street is the art gallery. The easiest way to find this is to go to the southwest corner of Middle Park, go one block west, and then turn right to the north. The orange Banshee is on your right side.


Reward: $8,250

Location: Dukes, Francis International Airport. It is on top of the multistory car park, west of the terminal. Go up to the roof, and you will find it in the south area, parked on the middle part in front of a pay station.


Reward: $5,940

Location: Bohan, Industrial. Look at the map of Bohan, in the southeast corner is a two lane highway going southwest and then just ends out on the water. Go under that highway, on the road that goes northwest to southeast. At the corner where that road turns east, just south of it, is the car.


Reward: $23,100

Location: Alderney, Leftwood. The car is just north of the hospital. If you look at the map and see the northern Pay 'n' Spray, locate the road to the northwest that starts going west, makes a hairpin curve southwards, and then goes to the northwest. Where that road ends is a house with a small wall, and behind that small wall (visible from the street) is the car, parked facing west.


Reward: $29,700

Location: Alderney City. From the north Pay 'n' Spray, go west, and take the first south. At the third corner where the thin street meets the thicker street that goes south to west, stop here. Look east into the alley. It is parked on the south side of it in the middle.


Reward: $19,800

Location: Algonquin, Westminster. Look at the southern Pay 'n' Spray at the west coast of Algonquin. There is a set of three docks to the west and a bit south of here. The northern one of the three has a big parking lot (darker street, looks like an alley on the map) to the east. Go there. To the northwest is a big domed building where the car is located.


Reward: $8,250

Location: Dukes, Boabo. This is the same location you went for the "Bleed Out" story mission. The guy dropped his car here and ran up the stairs. If you do not remember where it is, look where the Algonquin Bridge hits the land. Follow the first road that goes under it in the west a bit north. Before it curves to the east, look to the west through the gate of a factory with two large buildings. The car is in between.


Reward: $13,530

Location: Algonquin, Suffolk. Take the road north of the weapons shop, and go west. At the fifth intersection, go north, then look to the west to see a church. The Coquette is parked here on the west side of the road. This road is also directly two blocks south of the big sky scraper.


Reward: $5,940

Location: Broker, Hove Beach. Southeast of the broker safe house is a train station. You can see the symbol for it overlapping a building to the north on the map. On the ground level of the train station is a parking garage in the south-eastern corner, where the DF8-90 is parked.


Reward: $6,600

Location: Dukes, Willis. Take the road west of the northern car wash to the north. At the third road that goes west, turn left. The Dilettante is parked on the right side (north) here. If you look to the east, you should see the "Big Willis Mall" sign.


Reward: $7,260

Location: Algonquin, East Holland. Go to the northern Modo clothes store. Across the street to the southeast, the Dukes is parked facing east just as the street goes downward. You can see the clothes store from where the car is parked.


Reward: $2,310

Location: Algonquin, Chinatown. The Faggio is one block south and a bit to the west of the gun shop, on the north side of the street.


Reward: $6,600

Location: Dukes, Willis. Go to the northeast car wash. The bike is just south of it parked on the street, on the eastern side, facing north.

Huntley Sport

Reward: $13,200

Location: Bohan, Northern Gardens. In northern Bohan, where the two lane high way from the east merges into one lane again, a small road goes south. At that corner to the southeast is a police station. The car is parked in a parking lot with a wall around it in the north of the station. It opens up to the west, which is also the direction the car faces. Be careful as there is a cop standing right next to it.


Reward: $33,000

Location: Dukes, Downtown. Look for the circle in Outlook, with the big arch on it. Go north from it, and you will see the Infernus parked on the east street side facing north, in front of a place that has a "Pizza Salad" sign on it.


Reward: $8,250

Location: Broker, Rotterdam Hill. Take the road that is south of the weapons shop, and go west on it. Follow it generally to the northwest then west again. The road then makes a curve to the southeast. Before the curve is where the Intruder is parked. There is also a hot dog stand there. The car faces west.


Reward: $3,960

Location: Dukes, Heights. One block east of the Cluckin' Bell in Cerveza Heights, you will see an old burger shop that is no longer open. The Manana is parked on the south side of it facing west. The block it is on has an alley on the map that goes from east to south.


Reward: $7,260

Location: Charge Island. The street on Charge Island in the northeast goes close to the water front. Just as it curves back to the southwest, there is a parking lot (darker grey area on the map). The Moonbeam is in the middle of the southern end, facing north.

NRG 900

Reward: $8,250

Location: Algonquin, Lancaster. From the northeast corner of Middle Park, go east one block, then turn south. The bike is parked on the east side of the street in the middle of this block, facing north.

PMP 600

Reward: $10,560

Location: Algonquin, The Exchange. Look at the map in southern Algonquin. In the block just north of the Perseus clothes store is a bank (occupying the south-eastern part of that block). Just north of that is an alley (same colored street as the surrounding streets though) in which the PMP 600 is parked.


Reward: $16,500

Location: Algonquin, The Exchange. Go one block west from the southern Perseus clothes store and then one block south. On the southwest corner of the next block to the south, on its south side, facing west is a yellow Patriot.


Reward: $8,250

Location: Alderney in the Port Tudor area. Look at the map, and locate the weapons shop. To the east from there are two docks that have roads on them. To the west of those docks are two buildings with roads around them. The southern of the two has the northeast corner missing. The Rancher is in that corner.


Reward: $11,550

Location: Algonquin, The Triangle. From the Cluckin' Bell, go south, and take the second road east. Stop at the next corner, and look to the southeast. There is a restaurant with a crab logo. The Rebla is parked outside it, on the east side of the road, facing north. Across the corner to the northeast is the Daily Globe building.

Sabre GT

Reward: $8,250

Location: Parked in a drive way facing north, in Dukes. Drive on the road that is to the east of the large circle in Meadows Park to the north. At the corner of the street that goes east in a slight southward wave, stop. It is well south of the two large circles. Look to the northeast, there is a house there with a drive way and a two door garage. The Sabre GT is parked in front of the right one.


Reward: $8,250

Location: Alderney, Normandy. Go west from the Booth tunnel, take the second one south, and then turn left again. There is a Tudor Port sign on your right. The car is behind the sign and before the gates ahead. It is parked facing north, on the west side of the road leading into the gated area.


Reward: $11,550

Location: Alderney, Bechem.

Super GT

Reward: $36,300

Location: Algonquin, The Exchange. Go from the southern Perseus store to the north (through the street that is a bit wavy). On the third street, after the 69 Exchange, turn west, and you should see it parked on the northern side of the road facing west. Right next to it is a bank.


Reward: $36,300

Location: Alderney, Westdyke. Go from the northern car wash. Take the road south of it to the west, then south. Turn east, and when the next road goes off to the south, stop. Just to the north of here in that block is a house that has a marking of an alley in a T shape on the map. It is the western most one. In the northeast corner of that T is the Turismo.


Reward: $6,600

Location: Dukes, East Island City. As you come off the East Borough Bridge, follow this road until it ends and you run right into it. It is parked on the east side of a street; to the east is a large tower form LC24; to the southeast a hotdog stand; and a bit to the southwest is a police station. Be careful of those cops.


Reward: $7,260

Location: Dukes, Steinway. Look at Dukes. There is the large elongated circular park in the northwest on the western shore. Go to its west side. The Washington is parked on the west side of the road here, facing south.

Phone numbers
Dail one of the following numbers on Niko's cell phone to call the indicated business or person:


Bean Machine Coffee: 555-0110
Emergency Services: Dial "911" to summon the police, fire department, or an ambulance.
Express Car Service: 555-2222
Express Car Service: 555-3333
Fire Proof Doors: 555-5700
Hero Shop: 555-8575
LCPD Recruitment: 555-RECRUIT
Liberty Construction: 555-1274-73
No Problemo Bail Bonds: 555-945-733-92
Storage: 555-221-3877
Superb Deli: 555-4674
The Serrated Edge: 1-800-555-5555
Used Auto Parts: 555-7300
Vinewood Laundromat: 555-5123
Zit Song Identifier: Dial "948-555-0100" if you hear a song you like on the radio, dial this number to get a text message with the name and artist of the song.

Need For Speed :: UNDERCOVER
Cheat mode
Enter the options menu, choose the "Secret Codes" selection, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: The codes will only work once per profile. The bonus cars are only available in Quick Race mode.

Enter $EDSOC (contains the letter "O") or %%$3/" as a code.

Enter S1D3K1CK as a code.

Die-Cast Audi R8 car
Enter "9:G3IF or "9;&4)% as a code to unlock the Die-Cast Audi R8 car.

Die-Cast BMW M3 E92 car
Enter )B7@B= as a code to unlock the Die-Cast BMW M3 E92 car.

Die-Cast Chevrolet Camaro Concept car
Enter citwoxq53f, !K?MMF0, or "*@--%0 as a code to unlock the Die-Cast Chevrolet Camaro Concept car.

Die-Cast Dodge Charger (1969) car
Enter qlcukc4bqm as a code to unlock the Die-Cast Dodge Charger (1969) car.

Die-Cast Dodge Viper SRT10 car
Enter !C6;C>E or ""6<"?$ as a code to unlock the Die-Cast Dodge Viper SRT10 car.

Die-Cast Ford Mustang GT car
Enter i3kxodepfc as a code to unlock the Die-Cast Ford Mustang GT car.

Die-Cast Lexus IS F car
Enter 0;5M2; (contains the number "0") or 0;6,2; (contains the number "0") as a code to unlock the Die-Cast Lexus IS F car.

Die-Cast Lexus IS F (alternate color) car
Enter !7I3JMI or !8(4*-( as a code to unlock the Die-Cast Lexus IS F (alternate color) car.

Die-Cast Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution car
Enter 2
Die-Cast Nissan 240SX (S13) car
Enter ?P:COL (contains the letter "O") or @/;#/+ as a code to unlock the Die-Cast Nissan 240SX (S13) car.

Die-Cast Nissan GT-R (R35) Police Version car
Enter yp}jwa or "90=*6@ as a code to unlock the Die-Cast Nissan GT-R (R35) Police Version car.

Die-Cast Pontiac GTO (1965) car
Enter d5dviyrlgn as a code to unlock the Die-Cast Pontiac GTO (1965) car.

Die-Cast Porsche 911 Turbo car
Enter >8P:I; as a code to unlock the Die-Cast Porsche 911 Turbo car.

Die-Cast Volkswagen R32 car
Enter !2ODBJ: (contains the letter "O") or !3/$"): as a code to unlock the Die-Cast Volkswagen R32 car. Lotus Elise car
Enter -KJ3=E or .+)3>$ as a code to unlock the Lotus Elise car.

Shelby Terlingua car
Enter NeedForSpeedShelbyTerlingua as a code to unlock the Shelby Terlingua car.

Evading the police
While being chased by the cops, go to the lower right-hand corner of the map, by the stadium. Then, cross the bridge nearby. The cops will not cross that bridge. -From: eric stutz

Cheat Codes
While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window. Type "devmap mak" and press [Enter] to enable cheat mode. Then, type one of the following codes at the console window and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Map names
Use one of the following values with the "map [map name]" or "devmap [map name]" code:

Mission Code
Semper Fi mak
Little Resistance pel1
Hard Landing pel2
Vendetta sniper
Their Land, Their Blood see1
Burn 'Em Out pel1a
Relentless pel1b
Blood & Iron see2
Ring Of Steel ber1
Eviction ber2
Black Cats pby_fly
Blowtorch And Corkscrew oki2
Breaking Point oki3
Heart of the Reich ber3
Downfall ber3b
Nacht der Untoten nazi_zombie_prototype

Hardcore Team Deathmatch mode
Reach Level 13 to unlock Hardcore Team Deathmatch mode.

Veteran mode
Reach Level 32 to unlock Veteran mode, which is a Co-op mode with much tougher enemies.

Zombie mode
Successfully complete Campaign mode to unlock Zombie mode, which is a four-player Co-op mode against endless waves of Nazi zombies.

Ray Gun in "Little Resistance" mission
After the boat crashes, call in an air strike on the specified location. Run up to the beach, and move to the right. You will find a small puddle at the right side of the beach. Stand in it briefly, then move towards the middle of the beach to find a smaller puddle. Stand in that puddle briefly. Move towards the far left side of the beach. Stand briefly in the puddle in the barb wire. After several seconds, the screen will shake, and you will hear strange voices. Four lion statues will rise out of the ground with alien Ray Guns in their mouths. -From: Chris Hauserman

Bonus weapons
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding weapon or weapon attachment:

Bolt Action Rifles

Springfield: Reach Level 4.
Bayonet: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 1 (increases melee attack range).
Rifle Grenade: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 2 (grenade launcher attachment, replaces Perk 1 slot).
Arisaka: Reach Level 4.
Sniper Scope: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 1 (increases accuracy and range).
Bayonet: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 2 (increases melee attack range).
Rifle Grenade: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 3 (grenade launcher attachment, replaces Perk 1 slot).
Mosin-Nagant: Reach Level 21.
Sniper Scope: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 1 (increases accuracy and range).
Bayonet: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 2 (increases melee attack range).
Rifle Grenade: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 3 (grenade launcher attachment, replaces Perk 1 slot).
Kar98k: Reach Level 41.
Sniper Scope: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 1 (increases accuracy and range).
Bayonet: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 2 (increases melee attack range).
Rifle Grenade: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 3 (grenade launcher attachment, replaces Perk 1 slot).
PTRS-41: Reach Level 57.
Sniper Scope: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 1 (increases accuracy and range).
Bayonet: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 2 (increases melee attack range).
Rifle Grenade: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 3 (grenade launcher attachment, replaces Perk 1 slot).

SVT-40: Reach Level 4.
Flash Hider: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 1 (invisible on radar when firing, reduced muzzle flash, but shorter range).
Aperture Sight: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 2 (precision sight).
Telescopic Sight: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 3 (enhanced telescopic sight).
Gewehr 43: Reach Level 7.
Suppressor: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 1 (invisible on radar when firing, reduced muzzle flash, but shorter range).
Aperture Sight: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 2 (precision sight).
Telescopic Sight: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 3 (enhanced telescopic sight).
Rifle Grenade: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 4 (grenade launcher attachment, replaces Perk 1 slot).
M1 Garand: Reach Level 17.
Flash Hider: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 1 (invisible on radar when firing, reduced muzzle flash, but shorter range).
Bayonet: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 2 (increases melee attack range).
Sniper Scope: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 3 (increases accuracy and range).
Rifle Grenade: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 4 (grenade launcher attachment, replaces Perk 1 slot).
STG-44: Reach Level 37.
Flash Hider: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 1 (invisible on radar when firing, reduced muzzle flash, but shorter range).
Aperture Sight: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 2 (precision sight).
Telescopic Sight: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 3 (enhanced telescopic sight).
M1A1 Carbine: Reach Level 65.
Flash Hider: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 1 (invisible on radar when firing, reduced muzzle flash, but shorter range).
Aperture Sight: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 2 (precision sight).
Bayonet: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 3 (increases melee attack range).
Box Magazine: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 4 (increases ammunition capacity).
Sub Machine Guns

Thompson: Reach Level 4.
Suppressor: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 1 (invisible on radar when firing, reduced muzzle flash, but shorter range).
Aperture Sight: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 2 (precision sight).
Round Drum: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 3 (increased ammunition capacity).
MP40: Reach Level 10
Suppressor: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 1 (invisible on radar when firing, reduced muzzle flash, but shorter range).
Aperture Sight: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 2 (precision sight).
Dual Magazine: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 3 (increased ammunition capacity).
Type 100: Reach Level 25.
Suppressor: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 1 (invisible on radar when firing, reduced muzzle flash, but shorter range).
Aperture Sight: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 2 (precision sight).
Box Magazine: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 3 (increases ammunition capacity).
Ppsh-41: Reach Level 53.
Aperture Sight: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 1 (precision sight).
Round Drum: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 2 (increased ammunition capacity).

M1897 Trench Gun: Reach Level 4.
Grip: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 1 (vertical foregrip to reduce recoil, replaces Perk slot 1).
Bayonet: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 2 (increases melee attack range).
Double Barreled Shotgun: Reach Level 29.
Grip: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 1 (vertical foregrip to reduce recoil, replaces Perk slot 1).
Sawed-Off Shotgun: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 2 (increases weapon spread, but reduces accuracy).
Machine Guns

Type 99: Reach Level 4.
Bipod: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 1 (reduces motion for more accuracy).
Bayonet: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 2 (increases melee attack range).
BAR: Reach Level 4.
Bipod: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 1 (reduces motion for more accuracy).
DP-28: Reach Level 13.
Bipod: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 1 (reduces motion for more accuracy).
MG 42: Reach Level 33.
Bipod: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 1 (reduces motion for more accuracy).
FG 42: Reach Level 45.
Bipod: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 1 (reduces motion for more accuracy).
Telescopic Sight: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 2 (enhanced telescopic sight).
Browning M1919: Reach Level 61.
Bipod: Successfully complete Marksman Challenge 1 (reduces motion for more accuracy).

Colt M1911: Reach Level 4.
Nambu: Reach Level 4.
Walther P38: Reach Level 4.
Tokarev TT-33: Reach Level 21.
.357 Magnum: Reach Level 49.
Primary Grenades

Frag: Reach Level 4.
N 74 ST: Reach Level 4.
Molotov Cocktail: Reach Level 10.
Special Grenades

Smoke: Reach Level 4.
Tabun Gas: Reach Level 4.
Signal Flare: Reach Level 4.

Extra custom weapon slots
Reach the indicated Prestige rank to unlock the corresponding extra custom weapon slot:

6: First Prestige
7: Second Prestige
8: Fourth Prestige
9: Seventh Prestige
10: Tenth Prestige

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding perk:

Perk Slot 1

Special Grenade x3: Reach Level 4 (three special grenades, no smoke).
Satchel Charge x2: Reach Level 4 (two remote detonation explosives).
M9A1 Bazooka x2: Reach Level 4 (bazooka with two rockets).
Bomb Squad: Reach Level 16 (seek out enemy explosives).
Bouncing Betty x2: Reach Level 24 (two pressure activated mines).
Bandolier: Reach Level 40 (extra ammunition magazines).
Primary Grenade x2: Reach Level 44 (two primary grenades).
M2 Flamethrower: Reach Level 65 (projects a controlled stream of fire).
Perk Slot 2

Stopping Power: Reach Level 4 (increased bullet damage).
Fireworks: Reach Level 4 (higher explosive weapon damage).
Flak Jacket: Reach Level 4 (reduce explosive damage).
Gas Mask: Reach Level 4 (protect against Tabun Gas).
Juggernaut: Reach Level 4 (increased health).
Camouflage: Reach Level 12 (undetectable to enemy recon planes).
Sleight Of Hand: Reach Level 28 (faster reload).
Shades: Reach Level 32 (reduce intensity of signal flares).
Double Tap: Reach Level 36 (increased rate of fire).
Overkill: Reach Level 56 (carry two primary guns, no pistol).
Perk Slot 3

Deep Impact: Reach Level 4 (deeper bullet penetration).
Extreme Conditioning: Reach Level 4 (sprint for longer distances).
Steady Aim: Reach Level 4 (increased hip fire accuracy).
Toss back: Reach Level 6 (reset fuse of picked up grenades).
Second Chance: Reach Level 9 (revive downed allies).
Martyrdom: Reach Level 20 (drop a live grenade when killed).
Fireproof: Reach Level 48 (reduce fire based weapon damage).
Dead Silence: Reach Level 52 (less sound when you move).
Iron Lungs: Reach Level 60 (longer breath hold while sniping).
Reconnaissance: Reach Level 64 (show enemy dogs, artillery, and tanks).
Vehicle Perks

Water Cooler: Reach Level 4 (decreased turret overheat).
Greased Bearings: Reach Level 4 (increased turret rotation speed).
Ordnance Training: Reach Level 12 (decrease reload time of turrets).
Lead Foot: Reach Level 28 (increases tank top speed).
Coaxial Machine Gun: Reach Level 40 (driver controlled machine gun).

Death Card locations
The Death Cards can be found at the following locations. Collect a Death Card to unlock its effect in Co-op mode.

Cheat Codes
Press [Esc] to pause the game while in Don view. Then, type one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: There is a five minute lockout before a code can be re-enabled. To bypass this, save the game after a code has been enabled, quit the game, then reload your saved game.

Full Health :: corleone
Maximum Ammo :: stracci
$5000. :: cuneo
All Movies :: tattgalia

Character locations
Search the indicated location to find the corresponding character. Note: Some characters will not appear until after a certain point in storyline progression.

Alvin Uzzano: Northeast of Richie's Tavern, New York. He is a Safecracker/Medic with an Advanced Gun License.
Bernard Uzzano: Inside or near the large crypt closest to the north of the hangout of Almeida capo Jaime Fesser at Goldenrest Cemetery, Florida. He is a Bruiser/Medic with an Advanced Gun License.
Jimmy Lira: Unknown (requires bonus downloadable content). He is an Arsonist/Medic/Safecracker/Engineer.
Leroy Petriboni: Las Palmas, Florida. At the "Jersey's Sports Bar", gambling crime ring on the southernmost island. Approach the building from the east to find a door to a small room. He can be found wandering inside and just outside of that room. He is a Safecracker/Engineer with Expert Gun License.
Ray Fogliano: On top of building across from Corman's Drive-In, Florida. He is on the rooftop nearest to the Corrupt Official Joey Katz. He is an Arsonist/Demolitions.
Ray Ricci: In the square between Casino Imperial and capitol in Cuba. He is a Demolitions/Engineer with an Expert Gun License.
Roy Mancini: At the airport in Corazon de Oro, Cuba, next to the second plane, behind the Battaglia Cement Factory. He is a Bruiser/Engineer with a Expert Gun License.
Tommy Cipolla: Corleone Compound, New York (pre-order code required). He is an Arsonist/Medic.

Weapon locations
Search the indicated location to find the corresponding weapon:


Level 1 - Tommy Gun: Already available.
Level 2 - MP38: Granados Compound, Florida. Search the second floor.
Level 3 - Modified AK-47: Battaglia Masonry, Cuba. When you enter a certain room, turn left to find a ladder leading underground. Follow the tunnel.

Level 1 - .357 Magnum: Already available.
Level 2 - .44 Magnum Force: When attacking Carmine Rosato's Compound in New York, go upstairs in the tiny foyer before approaching Carmine. The Magnum is clearly visible on a desk.
Level 3 - .501 Magnum Enforcer: Battaglia Quarry Chop Shop, Cuba. Look at the map to find the lighthouse, and go there.

Cheat Codes
While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Item codes
Use one of the following values with the "player.additem [item code], [number], [condition 1-100]" and "player.removeitem [item code], [number]" codes:

Item Code

.308 Caliber Round 0006B53C
.32 Caliber Round 000207F7
.44 Round Magnum 0002937E
10mm Round 00004241
5.56mm Round 00078CC4
5.56mm Round 00004240
5mm Round 0006B53D
5mm Round 000615A8
Alien Powercell 00029364
BB - Ammo 0002935B
Bottlecap Mines 0000433A
Dart 00047419
Dart 0002936E
Electron Charge Pack 000615AF
Electron Charge Pack 0006B53E
Energy Cell 00020772
Energy Cell 00078CC2
Flamer Fuel 00029371
Flamer Fuel 00078CC1
Frag Grenades 00004330
Frag Mines 0000433C
Mesmetron Power Cell 0006A80D
Microfusion Cell 00078CC3
Microfusion Cell 00004485
Mini Nuke 00020799
Missile 000B8791
Missile 0005F706
Missile 00078CC5
Missiles 00029383
Pulse Grenades 00004331
Railway Spikes 00029384
Shotgun Shell 00028EEA
Shotgun Shell 0004C5F9
Sonic Energy 00056634

Advanced Radiation Suit 0003307A
All-Purpose Science Suit 000CB605
Apocalypse Gladiator Armor 000CB5F6
Apocalypse Gladiator Helmet 000CB5F7
Armored Vault 101 Jumpsuit 00034121
Armored Vault 101 Jumpsuit 0006C587
Army Power Armor 00061A72
Athlete of the Wastes Outfit 000340FB
Ballcap with Glasses 00028FFA
Bandana 00073D57
Biker Goggles 0009B188
BirthSkirt 0007CFF0
Blast Off Helmet 0007494C
Blast Off Pajamas 0005B6EA
Boogeyman's Hood 0008F775
Brahmin-Skin Outfit 00018DE5
Brotherhood of Steel Powered Armor 00075203
Brotherhood of Steel Powered Helmet 00075201
Brotherhood Power Armor 00075201
Brotherhood Power Helmet 00075203
Brotherhood Scribe Robe 000854CF
Button's Wig 0008A6DD
Child Blastoff Helmet 0007C109
Chinese Commando Hat 00078646
Chinese Jumpsuit 000340D2
Colonel Autumn's Uniform 0005157E
Combat Armor 00020420
Combat Helmet 00020426
Commando Armor 000CB544
Composite Recon Armor 000CB5FA
Composite Recon Helmet 000CB5FB
Crow's Eyebot Helmet 000B17A0
Crow's Eyebot Helmet 000B17A0
Dad's Wasteland Outfit 00079F09
Defender Armor 000CB543
Dirty Chinese Jumpsuit 000340D3
Dirty Chinese Jumpsuit 000CB603
Dirty Pre-War Businesswear 0005C682
Dirty Pre-War Casualwear 000340CF
Dirty Pre-War Kid's Outfit 000340C4
Dirty Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit 0005BB70
Dirty Pre-War Relaxedwear 0005BB6F
Dirty Pre-War Spring Outfit 000340D1
Dirty Pre-War Spring Outfit 00066C71
Doctor Li's Glasses 0005C9A0
Doctor Li's Outfit 000340DA
Elder Lyons' Robe 00087274
Enclave Officer Hat 00078647
Enclave Officer Uniform 000340DE
Enclave Power Armor 00023B62
Enclave Power Armor 0004443E
Enclave Scientist Outfit 0001B5BD
Enclave Shocktrooper Armor 000CB5F3
Enclave Shocktrooper Helmet 000CB5F4
Environment Suit 000C09D4
Eulogy Jones' Hat 00034126
Explorer's Gear 000CB549
Eyebot Helmet 0004E6A0
Eyeglasses 000340FD
Ghoul Mask 0001DC1C
GlassesReadingChild 0005DC82
Grimy Pre-War Businesswear 000B1056
Hand-Me-Down Raider Armor 000CB5FE
Handyman Jumpsuit 000BF6FD
Hat of the People 000CB604
Head Wrap 00074296
Head Wrap 00074334
Head Wrap 00074335
Head Wrap 00074336
Highway Scar Armor 000CB5FF
Hockey Mask 00033598
Junior Officer Outfit 000340F9
Kid's Ballcap with Glasses 0009B185
Kid's Baseball Cap 000340C1
Kid's Cave Rat Outfit 000340E4
Kid's Murray the Mole Hat 00078643
Kid's Party Hat 00028FF8
Kid's Police Hat 000340E1
Lab Technician Outfit 000340D7
Leather Armor 00020423
Leather Armor 0002DC05
Leather Armor 00066C72
Leather Armor 00066C74
Ledoux's Hockey Mask 0007401C
Lesko's Lab Coat 000C24F9
Lincoln's Hat 0004445B
Linden's Outcast Power Armor 00070877
Lucky Shades 000CB54B
Lyons' Pride Power Armor 00061A73
MacCready's Helmet 0002D11B
Makeshift Gas Mask 000C111A
Maple's Garb 0005A6CA
Mayor MacCready's Outfit 000340E7
Merc Adventurer Outfit 00034124
Merc Charmer Outfit 00034122
Merc Charmer Outfit 000CB606
Merc Cruiser Outfit 000C5D34
Merc Cruiser Outfit 000CB60B
Merc Grunt Outfit 000A3045
Merc Grunt Outfit 000CB60A
Merc Troublemaker Outfit 00034123
Merc Veteran Outfit 0008C83C
Metal Armor 0003307F
Metal Helmet 00033080
Modified Utility Jumpsuit 0007C17C
Motorcycle Helmet 0009B186
Mysterious Stranger Hat 0006B467
Mysterious Stranger Outfit 0006696D
Naughty Nightwear 000C8E07
Oasis Druid Hood 0009B18A
Oasis Exile Hood 000C942D
Oasis Robe 000340E8
Oasis Villager Robe 000340E9
Outcast Power Armor 00060C70
Outcast Power Helmet 00060C72
Outcast Recon Helmet 000645ED
Party Hat 00050E44
Party HatStanley 000B75E2
Pint-Sized Slasher Mask 000340FC
Pip-Boy 3000 00015038
Pip-Boy 3000 000236D8
Pip-Boy Glove 00025B83
Police Hat 000AB491
Poplar's Hood 0005A6CB
Power Armor 00014E13
Power Armor 00025083
Power Armor 00066C73
Power Helmet 00014C08
Power-Suit Armor 000CB60C
Pre-War Baseball Cap 00028FF9
Pre-War Bonnet 000340CD
Pre-War Casualwear 0001EA6D
Pre-War Casualwear 000CB60D
Pre-War Hat 000340C8
Pre-War Kid's Outfit 000340C3
Pre-War Outfit and Watch 0008198C
Pre-War Outfit and Watch 000ABBE2
Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit 0005BB66
Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit 000CB60F
Pre-War Relaxedwear 0005BB63
Pre-War Spring Outfit 000340D0
Prototype Medic Power Armor 0007836E
Pyro Helmet 000CB600
Radiation Suit 00033078
Ragamuffin Outfit 000340F8
Ragamuffin Tophat 00074950
Raider Arclight Helmet 00078644
Raider Badlands Armor 0003307D
Raider Blastmaster Armor 0003307E
Raider Blastmaster Helmet 0005B6E8
Raider Painspike Armor 0002042F
Raider Psycho-Tic Helmet 00020432
Raider Sadist Armor 0003307C
Raider Wastehound Helmet 00078645
Ranger Armor 00023030
Ranger Battle Armor 00023030
Ranger Battle Helmet 00034105
Recon Armor Helmet 00028EAD
Recon Armor 0003064D
Red Racer Jumpsuit 0003411B
Red's Bandana 000340EB
Red's Jumpsuit 000340EA
Regulator Duster 0003E54A
Rivet City Security Helmet 000239CB
Rivet City Security Uniform 000239CC
Road Rascal Leather Armor 000CB5F5
RobCo Jumpsuit 0003411A
Robo-Thor Helmet 000CB5F8
Roving Trader Hat 00078648
Roving Trader Outfit 0002B385
Scientist Outfit 000340D9
Sexy Sleepwear 000340E6
Shady Hat 0007C17D
Sharp-Dressed Raider's Armor 000CB5FC
Shellshocked Combat Armor 000CB5EF
Shellshocked Combat Helmet 000CB5F0
Sheriff's Duster 00020429
Sheriff's Hat 0002DD80
Slave Collar 0002F563
Slave Collar 0003D1FE
Sleepwear 000CB60E
Stormchaser Hat 0009B189
Sunglasses 0005C99F
Surgical Mask 0003E591
T-51b Power Armor 000A6F77
T-51b Power Helmet 000A6F78
Takoma Park Little Leaguer Cap 000C72FB
Talon Combat Armor 000A6F76
Talon Combat Armor 000CB5F2
Talon Combat Helmet 000B0278
Talon Combat Helmet 000CB5F1
Talon Company Armor 000A6F76
Tenpenny Security Helmet 0005B6EB
Tenpenny Security Uniform 00034119
Tenpenny's Suit 00096CB7
Tesla Armor 0006B464
Tesla Armor 0008F571
Tesla Helmet 0006B465
The AntAgonizer's Costume 0003411D
The AntAgonizer's Helmet 0003411F
The Devil's Pigtails 000CB5FD
The Mechanist's Costume 0003411E
The Mechanist's Helmet 00034120
The Surgeon's Lab Coat 000C71E1
Three Dog's Glasses 000ACDA4
Three Dog's Head Wrap 00073FEC
Tinted Reading Glasses 0001C295
Torcher's Mask 000C7C4E
Tortiseshell Glasses 0005C9A1
Tunnel Snake Outfit 0002042E
Tunnel Snake Outfit 00061D98
Underwear 00089B52
Vance's Longcoat Outfit 00083C5C
Vault 101 Child's Jumpsuit 000340F2
Vault 101 Security Armor 0001CBDD
Vault 101 Security Helmet 0003411C
Vault 101 Utility Jumpsuit 000425BA
Vault 106 Jumpsuit 000B73F2
Vault 108 Jumpsuit 000B73F1
Vault 112 Jumpsuit 000340EF
Vault 77 Jumpsuit 000CAFBE
Vault 87 Jumpsuit 000340ED
Vault 92 Jumpsuit 000B73F3
Vault Lab Uniform 0001CBDC
Wanderer's Leather Armor 000C7C54
Wasteland Doctor Fatigues 000340FE
Wasteland Legend Outfit 000CB609
Wasteland Scout Hat 00074952
Wasteland Scout Uniform 000340FA
Wasteland Surgeon Outfit 000340FF
Wasteland Wanderer Outfit 0001BA00

Agility 000388E5
Barter 000388F3
Big Guns 00038906
Charisma 00038850
Endurance 00038834
Endurance 00038834
Energy Weapons 0003892F
Explosives 00038930
Intelligence 0003885C
Lockpick 00038931
Luck 000388E6
Medicine 00038950
Melee Weapons 00038951
Perception 00038833
Perception 00038833
Repair 00038952
Repair 00038952
Science 00038953
Small Guns 00038954
Sneak 00038955
Speech 00038956
Strength 00038832
Unarmed 00038958

Big Book of Science 0003403C
Big Book of Science 0002D3A4
Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual 00034045
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine 00034043
Dean's Electronics 0003403D
Duck and Cover! 0006A80C
Footlocker 000199C2
Grognak the Barbarian 00034040
Guns and Bullets 0003403E
Lying, Congressional Style 00034044
Motivational Secrets of the Stars 0002D3A3
Nikola Tesla and You 00034041
Paradise Lost 000BACFE
Pugilism Illustrated 0003403F
Survival Guide Manuscript 0002D3B2
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor 00034042
Tumblers Today 00034046
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes 00034048
Wasteland Survival Guide 000C5634
You're SPECIAL! 000AB2EF

Ant Meat 0003C345
Ant Queen Pheromones 00033068
Beer 00015197
Berry Mentats 000BF7C6
Blamco Mac and Cheese 0008C556
Bloatfly Meat 0007C10D
Blood Pack 00034051
Brahmin Steak 00015198
Bubblegum 0008C560
Buffout 00015163
Cave Fungus 00038E0C
Cram 0008C552
Crispy Squirrel Bits 00031948
Crunchy Mutfruit 0001519C
Dandy Boy Apples 0008C554
Dirty Water 000151A4
Dog Meat 00034050
Fancy Lads Snack Cakes 0008C55A
Fire Ant Nectar 00085ABB
Fresh Apple 00015196
Fresh Carrot 00015199
Fresh Pear 0001519F
Fresh Potato 000151A0
Grape Mentats 000BF7C5
Gum Drops 0008C564
Hatchling Mirelurk Meat 00065175
Human Flesh 0003404F
Ice Cold Nuka-Cola 00040DCB
Iguana Bits 0001519A
Iguana on a Stick 0001519B
InstaMash 0008C558
Jet 00015164
Junk Food 0003359C
Med-X 00050F8F
Mentats 00015165
Mirelurk Cakes 0003404D
Mirelurk Meat 0003404E
Miss. Quantum Pie 00049076
Mole Rat Meat 0003404C
Mole Rat Wonder Meat 000ABD17
Mutfruit 00034049
Noodles 0001519D
Nuka-Cola 0001519E
Nuka-Cola Quantum 000284F9
NukaLurk Meat 00095F48
Orange Mentats 000BF7C7
Pork N' Beans 0008C55E
Potato Crisps 0008C562
Psycho 00015166
Purified Water 000151A3
Radroach Meat 0009C957
Salisbury Steak 000293A9
Scotch 000151A1
Softshell Mirelurk Meat 000552CE
Squirrel on a Stick 00031949
Squirrel Stew 0003194A
Stimpaks 00015169
Strange Meat 0002E376
Strange Meat Pie 0007E173
Sugar Bombs 0008C551
Sweetroll 00030A23
Ultrajet 000C9CF4
Vodka 00032C74
Whiskey 00032C75
Wine 0003404A
Yao Guai Meat 0003404B
YumYum Deviled Eggs 0008C55C

Bobby Pins 0000000A
Bottle Caps 0000000F
Finger 000604DE
Medical Brace 0002210D
Stealth Boy 00043E94

.32 Pistol 0000080A
.44 magnum 00050F92
10mm Pistol 0001A334
10mm Pistol 0000434F
10mm Pistol 0006F210
10mm SMG (Sydney's "Ultra") 0006E7CC
10mm Sub Machine gun 00004321
A3-21's Plasma Rifle 0006B539
Acid Spit 000B8793
Acid Spit 0006E8CE
Alien Blaster 00004322
Ant's Sting 000C553E
Assault Rifle 0001FFEC
Baseball Bat 0000421C
BB Gun 000C0327
BB Gun 00004323
Black Bart's Bane 0006B535
Blackhawk 000303A2
Board of Education 000C310F
Bottlecap Mine 0000433A
Brass Knuckles 00004324
Breaker 000CB546
Butch's Toothpick 00078440
Buzzsaw 0003BC6F
Chinese Assault Rifle 00046BDD
Chinese Assault Rifle 0000080B
Chinese Officer's Sword 0006415D
Chinese Officer's Sword 0002B3CB
Chinese Pistol 00004325
Chinese Pistol (Zhu-Rong v418) 00060C2C
Clover's Cleaver 000C80B8
Col. Autumn's 10mm Pistol 0006B531
Col. Autumn's Laser Pistol 000ABBE4
Combat Knife 00004326
Combat Knife 00064093
Combat Shotgun 0003713D
Combat Shotgun 00004327
Curse Breaker 000C80BB
Dart Gun 0000432A
Deathclaw Gauntlet 0000432B
Electrical Zap 00022FF1
Eugene 0006B538
Excalibat 000C80BC
Experimental MIRV 0003422B
Fat Man 0000432C
Fawkes' Super Sledge 0007843F
Fire Hydrant 00021367
Firelance 000C80BA
Fisto! 000CB601
Flamer 00078C60
Flamer 0000432D
Flamer 000C58EE
Flamer 000A0C02
Flamer 0009E8DF
Flamer 0007C10B
Flamer 00039550
Frag Grenade 00004330
Frag Mine 0000433C
Frag Mine 00028172
GasTrap Dummy 000001F6
Gatling Laser 0000432E
Gatling Laser 0000432E
Hand Laser 00018B9E
Highwayman's Friend 00078442
Hunting Rifle 00004333
Jack 000C6E5B
Knife 00004334
Laser 00050ED0
Laser 0007B23A
Laser 0007B237
Laser Pistol 000B4178
Laser Pistol 00063E8A
Laser Pistol 00004335
Laser Rifle 00074795
Laser Rifle 00004336
Law Dog 0006B532
Lead Pipe 00004337
Liberty Laser 00033FE2
LibertyPrimeWeapBomb 0005932F
Lincoln's Repeater 0003C07A
Love Tap 000C80B9
Mesmeron 00004339
Mesmetron 000BF5A4
Minigun 0000433F
Mirelurk Bait Grenade 00030664
Miss Launcher 000B2644
Missile Launcher 00057E8F
Missile Launcher 00004340
Nail Board 000A01DD
Nail Board 00063FDC
Nuka-Grenade 00004342
O'Grady's Peacemaker 0007843D
Occam's Razor 000CB602
Ol' Painless 00066C76
Plasma Grenade 00004332
Plasma Gun 0007C10C
Plasma Gun 0003954F
Plasma Mine 0000433D
Plasma Pistol 00004343
Plasma Rifle 00004344
Plunkett's Valid Points 000CAFA9
Police Batton 00004345
Pool Cue 00004346
Power Fist 00004347
Protectron's Gaze 000C553F
Pulse Grenade 00004331
Pulse Mine 0000433E
Radioactive Spit 00058717
Railway Rifle 00004348
Repellent Stick 0002D3B7
Reservist's Rifle 00092966
Ripper 00004349
Rock-it launcher 0000434B
Rolling Pin 00029769
Rolling Pin 000B2943
Sawed-Off Shotgun 0000434C
Sawed-Off Shotgun 000AE8AE
Scoped .44 Magnum 0000434D
SentryBot Laser Gatling 000389AF
SentryBot Minigun 00057E8E
Shishkebab 0000434E
Shriek 0007F598
Silenced 10mm Pistol 00004350
Slasher Knife 0002869C
Sledge Hammer 00004351
Sledgehammer 00063FA2
Smuglers End (Laser Pistol) 0006B536
Sniper Rifle 00004353
Spiked Knuckels 00004354
Stabhappy 000C80BE
Super Sledge 000B0E7C
Super Sledge 00004352
Switchblade 0006407F
Switchblade 000289C3
Sydney's 10mm "Ultra" SMG 0005DEEE
The Break 00066C77
The Kneecapper 0006B53A
The Shocker 000BFF62
The Tenderizer 000A874B
The Terrible Shotgun 0006B534
Tire Iron 00004328
Vampire's Edge 00078441
Vertibird Bomb Gun 0003E5E2
Vertibird Gun 00089C51
Victory Rifle 000CB548
Wazer Wifle 00061793

Person and object codes
Use one of the following values with the "player.placeatme [object code], [number], [x axis], [y axis]" code. Note: Use "1" for the value of the x axis and y axis. You can use the same values with the "player.removeitem [object or item code], [number]" code to remove the same item.

Result Code
Andy 0009B172
Andy 0006B237
Andy 00074163
AudioTemplateAntQueen 000B15F9
AudioTemplateBlowFly 0009B91A
AudioTemplateBrahmin 00028047
AudioTemplateBrahminPack 000AA7C0
AudioTemplateDeathclaw 000A7B1E
AudioTemplateDog 0003E632
AudioTemplateFeralGhoul 00065712
AudioTemplateMirelurk 00078803
AudioTemplateMirelurkKing 000C4977
AudioTemplateMoleRat 0007079D
AudioTemplateRadRoach 0003AEF7
AudioTemplateRadScorpion 000AF619
AudioTemplateRobotMrHandy 0004D036
AudioTemplateRobotProtectron 0005FCCB
AudioTemplateRobotRobobrain 0005CC52
AudioTemplateRobotSentrybot 0005CC51
AudioTemplateSentryTurret 000B9B5C
AudioTemplateSuperMutantBehemoth 00024103
AudioTemplateTurretCeiling 0001E821
AudioTemplateYaoGuai 0003FB04
Backup Protectron Unit 000C053E
Bandit 0007DCFB
Bloatfly 00092C3D
Brahmin 00021490
Brahmin 000A4E5D
Brahmin 00027FAD
Brahmin 000CA032
Brahmin 000A5396
Brahmin 0001F67C
Brahmin 0001CFA2
Brahmin 0008B5FE
Brahmin 0007E1B4
Button Gwinnett 00003A78
Centaur 00068646
Centaur 0001CF90
Cerberus 0002B8EA
Clancy 0002D3BE
Crow's Pack Brahmin 00027DEB
Dean Dewey 0002F582
Deathclaw 000AF836
Deathclaw 000C290A
Deathclaw 000B0449
Deathclaw 00031E29
Deathclaw 000BCC4D
Deathclaw 0004E140
Deathclaw 0004EE09
Deathclaw 0003210D
Deathclaw 0001CF72
Deathclaw 0001CF9A
Deathclaw 000C3280
Deputy Steel 0001D76F
Deputy Weld 0002040E
Doc 0004E79C
Dog 0001CF9C
Dog 00076926
Dogmeat 0006A772
Enclave Eyebot 00062DEA
Enclave Eyebot 00079F2B
Enclave Eyebot 0005AE49
Enclave Eyebot 0006A901
Enclave Eyebot 00059BC0
Enclave Eyebot 0001CF73
Enclave Eyebot 00062EAC
Enclave Eyebot 00043EC0
Enclave Eyebot 00097161
Enclave Sentry Bot 000AEC21
Enclave Sentry Bot 000AEC51
Enclave Sentry Bot 000AF5E5
Enclave Sentry Bot 000AF5E4
Ethyl 0002B8E5
Eye Intercom 00034020
Eye Intercom 000BC11C
Eye Intercom 0008F086
Factory Protectron 000BAE92
Failed FEV Subject 0007B861
Fawkes 0003D34E
Feral Ghoul 0009FAFA
Feral Ghoul 000BAD1A
Feral Ghoul 00072B87
Feral Ghoul 00072B59
Feral Ghoul 00052B9A
Feral Ghoul 00003AD8
Feral Ghoul 0005C342
Feral Ghoul 000AE86C
Feral Ghoul 0001CF7A
Feral Ghoul Roamer 00072B8A
Feral Ghoul Roamer 00072B88
Feral Ghoul Roamer 00072B79
Feral Ghoul Roamer 0001CF77
Feral Ghoul Roamer 00072B7F
Feral Ghoul Roamer 000A09CF
Fire Ant 000C8063
Fire Ant Nest Guardian 0006020B
Fire Ant Soldier 000AEDE4
Fire Ant Soldier 000393ED
Fire Ant Soldier 000854D5
Fire Ant Warrior 000C58EF
Fire Ant Warrior 000C72C9
Fire Ant Worker 000393EC
Fire Ant Worker 000AEDE3
Fire Ant Worker 00083EB5
Fluffy 0001FEC8
Four Score 00027FA7
Giant Ant 00027053
Giant Ant 0001FB34
Giant Ant 000BF5B8
Giant Ant 0002F005
Giant Ant Queen 0001CF7F
Giant Ant Queen 00034785
Giant Radscorpion 000307C2
Giant Radscorpion 0001CF9E
Giant Radscorpion 00032D2B
Giant Soldier Ant 0001CF80
Giant Soldier Ant 00032D2A
Giant Soldier Ant 00029036
Giant Worker Ant 0001CF81
Ginger 0007DD06
Glowing One 0003D807
Glowing One 00058772
Glowing One 00072B82
Glowing One 00073204
Glowing One 0001CF7B
Godfrey 0007F476
Harith's Pack Brahmin 00027DE7
Hoff's Pack Brahmin 00031189
Hooligan 0007DCF5
Invader Ant 00034777
Jitters 0002F585
Liberty Prime 0005FD26
Mad Brahmin 000CAAC0
Maintenance Protectron 0002D509
Marigold Ant Queen 0003181D
Mark I Turret 000603AA
Mark II Turret 0008F7B0
Mark II Turret 0006F772
Mark II Turret 0007B235
Mark II Turret 0008646C
Mark II Turret 0008646B
Mark II Turret 0008646A
Mark IV Turret 0007B23B
Mark IV Turret 0008646E
Mark IV Turret 0008646F
Mark IV Turret 0008646D
Mark V Turret 000A8A5C
Mark VI Turret 0003118D
Mark VI Turret 0007C166
Masterbrain 0001EE61
Meat 0002B8E7
Metro Protectron 0001D6E2
Metro Protectron 0003CAC5
Milo, Shipping Foreman 0004D5B7
Mirelurk 0004E5EB
Mirelurk 000A29F4
Mirelurk 000A289F
Mirelurk 0001CF83
Mirelurk Hunter 0001CF84
Mirelurk King 0007D410

PC Computer